Some people still have the wrong ideas about bankruptcy. If you think that the main reasons for bankruptcy are poor spending habits, a spotty employment record, and a casual attitude toward financial responsibility, think again. In the United States today, the leading reason for bankruptcy is medical debt. Many of those filing for bankruptcy have recently been – or in some cases still are – extremely ill or seriously injured. If your own medical expenses are overwhelming you, bankruptcy is one possible option, but it’s not necessarily your only option. As soon as possible, discuss your circumstances and alternatives with an experienced Dallas bankruptcy lawyer.
When someone needs substantial, comprehensive medical care, health insurance often doesn’t offer what’s needed. About 56 million adults in the United States have some kind of medical debt. These costs inevitably rise as we age, so many people over 65 are in debt far beyond their ability to pay, despite insurance or government assistance. If this is the circumstance facing you or someone you love, an experienced Dallas bankruptcy lawyer can help.
Hire A Dallas Bankruptcy Lawyer
If you are struggling right now with medical debt, it is imperative to understand all of your legal alternatives. Make sure that you haven’t received any duplicate medical bills and that you actually owe what the bills say you owe. Sometimes a debt payment plan can be negotiated with your healthcare provider, but you need to act now. As the amount your owe rises, your options shrink. Bankruptcy may or may not be for you, but you can find out easily enough. Of course, any choice to file for bankruptcy requires a thorough, methodical evaluation of your income, debts, assets, and property. Don’t try to file for bankruptcy in Texas by yourself. In the Dallas area, if you’re struggling with healthcare debts or other debts, obtain the advice and help you need – consult at once with an experienced Dallas bankruptcy lawyer.