Don’t be hard on yourself if you’re finding it increasingly difficult to stay above water financially. If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you are far from alone. For many people in McKinney and across the state of Texas, out-of-control credit card debt is the main reason they file for bankruptcy. Before you take any legal action to resolve credit card debt, speak to experienced McKinney credit card debt relief attorney Richard Weaver. A good Texas debt attorney can review your finances and help you determine the approach for dealing with debt that is best for you.
When credit card debt exceeds your ability to pay it, one alternative to bankruptcy is direct debt settlement negotiation with a credit card company. Let an experienced debt lawyer negotiate on your behalf. When you are represented by legal counsel, credit card companies are more likely to settle with you because they can see that you are serious about resolving your debt. In some cases, however, declaring bankruptcy is going to be your only option. Your bankruptcy lawyer can explain the differences between a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, handle your bankruptcy petition, and provide advice and insights regarding life after bankruptcy.
A debt consolidation service cannot offer you legal services or any substantive, long-term debt relief, but a credit card debt relief attorney can offer you the proven, legal ways to reduce debt – methods that work. In the McKinney community or anywhere in the state of Texas, if you are drowning in credit card debt and considering bankruptcy, get the help you need now. Call us at (469) 215-2300 and arrange to consult with experienced McKinney credit card debt relief attorney Richard Weaver. For almost thirty years, we’ve helped families in and near McKinney resolve their debt struggles, and we are ready to work on your behalf.